Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Job Satisfaction

Lately I have been feeling very frustrated on the job front.  Yes, I have a job and I am grateful. And it is a job where there are positives.  I get to go to work knowing I am making a difference in people's lives.  I love my co-workers and I work for an organization that I fully believe and standby their mission.

So what's the problem? In order to avoid getting too whiny I will paraphrase.  One- I feel like I have gone as far I can and want to go.  Two- I am not made to feel like a valued employee.  Three- I could do more.  I want to do more, but time after time I face barriers. And here is the thing that is most bothersome to me... I LET THESE BARRIERS STOP ME.  I have found that I don't have enough drive, enough passion or enough fight in me to counteract it.

Like I said the last reason, bothers me the most. I  am not one to let things get in my way. I set my mind on something, I am going to do everything in my power to do it.  I am tenacious and I like it that way.  When it comes to work, I just can't muster that tenacity.  When I hear people happily and passionately talk about their jobs, I not only get jealous, but also envious.

But then when I ask myself "Emily, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I hear crickets.  All I know is I am at my happiest talking about health and fitness and would love to dive into this world. How and in what capacity? I am not quite sure, but I feel like I will know it once its there.

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