Sunday, January 13, 2013

Making A Difference

When  I was a junior in high school I went on a mission trip with my Youth Group to Washington D.C. To this day, it was one of those experiences that stick with me. One experience, in particular... We were at a run-down apartment complex in a bad area of DC and it was our job to clean out the pool so the families that lived there would be able to use it.  This pool was gross, but our group were going to do as much as we could in the time that we had.  And we did.  As we were working a group of neighborhood kids, maybe ages 8-10, saw us and asked "What are you doing?" Someone must have said "Cleaning the pool for you guys to use." The kids then asked "Can we help?" Those kids could have spent their summer day riding their bikes, having fun, doing whatever... they saw people cleaning out their pool and they were inspired to help.  Those kids, probably have no clue how much they inspired me.  It is because of them that I pursued a Bachelor's in Social Work and then have gone onto work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for the last 7.5 years.

All I have ever said I wanted to do, is make a difference in someone's life.  I always thought it would be through my profession. NEVER did I think I would accomplish it through the work I have done on myself!  One of the most unbelievable and humbling things that anyone can say to me is "You are an inspiration." I have been blessed to here those words multiple times through multiple people. It makes all the sweat, tears and frustration that I have felt and I still feel, absolutely 100% worth it.

Some times all that is needed is seeing someone making a change for them to be inspired.    So make the change, if not for you, then for the person that might be watching, whether it is your children, your family or a complete stranger.  Be an inspiration. You won't be disappointed.

Thank you for joining me on this journey,


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